Carbon monoxide (CO) is a byproduct of combustion. This gas is odorless, colorless and tasteless, so it can be very difficult to detect. CO prevents your body from absorbing oxygen properly, which deprives your heart, brain and other organs of the oxygen they need to function. Prolonged exposure to this gas can cause CO poisonings. Key symptoms of CO poisoning include:
In severe cases, CO poisoning can lead to death. If your job puts you at a higher risk of CO exposure, it is especially important to understand the risk of CO poisoning and the ways you can avoid it. Here are some tips to protect yourself and your co-workers from CO poisoning.
For more information on occupational CO hazards, talk to your supervisor.
Bullying can be an unfortunate reality within the workplace. In fact, more than 60 million employees have been victims of workplace bullying in the United States, with nearly two-thirds (61%) of such bullying coming from supervisors or bosses. Workplace bullying can take many forms, including:
Bullying can cause adverse health effects, both physically and mentally. Victims of bullying may feel a sense of anxiety or dread when thinking about coming to work, lose their appetite or have trouble sleeping, and experience stomach pain and headaches, among other symptoms. Bullying can also affect a victim’s job performance, lowering their confidence and making them less productive. If you are being bulled at work, here are some tips:
If you notice a fellow employee getting bullied, the best rule of thumb is to speak up. Tell a supervisor if you see signs or workplace bullying. Be sure to examine your own actions for appropriate behavior, and set a good example of this behavior for others. You can have a direct hand in making your workplace a healthy, positive environment for everyone. Consult your supervisor for more information on workplace bullying prevention and response tactics.
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